Melbourne Art Book Fair

When: Friday 19 May - Sunday 21 May
Where: NGV 

Find Bookshop by Uro along with 80 publishers independent publishers, art book makers, established publishing houses and art galleries at the NGV as we present books, magazines and more.
Additionally, we’re proud to announce our #MelbourneArtBookFair event lineup for 2023 - we’ve organised six great talks ranging in topic from garden design to queer spaces to urban density, and plenty in between. Check the link in our bio to see full event listings and to snag tickets, which are all deductible from purchase of the event’s book 📚

Tuesday 23 May - Queer Spaces
Wednesday 24 May - Designing an Australian garden: Fiona Brockhoff and Kate Cullity in conversation
Thursday 25 May - Hot Cities: Speculative Design, Artistic Visions and Practical Policy
Friday 26 May - Supertight: Models for Living and Making Culture in Dense Urban Environments
Saturday 27 May - First Works with Post- publishing
Saturday 27 May - Lost in Palm Springs

Looking forward to seeing you there!