“Exquistely designed... semi-autobiographical wild ride” – Richard Goodwin's God in Reverse reviewed in Architecture Australia

Architectural academics Pia Ednie-Brown and Timothy Burke have reviewed Richard Goodwin's God in Reverse: Art, Architecture and Consciousness in Mar/April print edition of Architecture Australia.

While describing his “love affair with cities,” the author acknowledges their inherently destructive nature and calls for a responsive architecture in which cities such as Sydney (around which the book is focused) are alive to their own memories, begins the review.

The authors weave comparisons to film, particularly the pleasingly unexpected comparison to the ways that films 2001: A Space Odyssey and Barbarella (both produced in 1968) depicted technology.

Of the writing, they say “the work is often exquisite and always thought-provoking,” and that it is a “Boys’ own architectural avant-garde.”

For those who love architecture framed through a poetry of machinic systems (from systems to intricate analysis), this book will be a joy, an inspiration and fuel for speculative thought and action.

AA March/April 2020 is out now, find God in Reverse: Art, Architecture and Consciousness here.