Publisher: Powerhouse Publishing, ISBN: 9780645530926, Authors: DOBBY, (Rhyan Clapham), Leo Schofield AM, Sheila Ngọc Phạm, Omar Musa, Eva Czernis-Ryl, Ronan Sulich, Eadric Le Brocq, Favel Parrett, Charmaine Papertalk Green, Robert Wellington, Alecia Simmonds, Anna Clark, Adam Ferrier, Mark Sutcliffe, Christa Hughes Photography: Lauren Bamford, Format: Hardcover, 40 x 170 mm
A celebration of the scale, breadth and relevance of the decorative arts and design collections held by Powerhouse Museum, 1001 Remarkable Objects catalogues the eponymous exhibition at Powerhouse Ultimo that opened 26 August 2023.
The publication opens with a series of 32 still life images produced by photographer Lauren Bamford in collaboration with art director and stylist Sarah Pritchard. Documentary photography and captions for all 1001 objects is punctuated by 15 narratives. Written by the four curators plus 11 Australian authors commissioned by Powerhouse, these texts respond to one or more remarkable objects and vary in form across HipHop, memoir, fiction, creative non-fiction, historiography and essay.