20/20: Editorial Takes on Architectural Discourse

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Publisher: AA Publications, ISBN: 9781907896002, Editor: Kirk Wooller ,Format: Softcover, 216 x 135mm, 276pp

20/20: Editorial Takes on Architectural Discourse brings together editors from 20 leading contemporary architectural magazines to discuss collectively the role editors play in shaping architectural discourse.

Each of the contributors has responded to a set of 20 questions on the multiple conditions under which particular ideas and words enter architectural discourse through publication. The resulting critical positions and observations are as diverse as the magazines from which they originate, and range from the oldest student-edited journal (Perspecta) to a research collective that at the time of writing was on the cusp of being launched ([bracket]). Also included are contributions from the editors of 306090, AA Files, Actar, An Architektur, Footprint, Grey Room, Harvard Design Magazine, Hunch, Interstices, Log, Manifold, Mark, New Geographies, OASE, Praxis, Scapes, UME and Volume. 20/20 is a timely publication that provides today's architectural reader with concise viewpoints from the editors behind the magazines behind architectural culture.

About the Authors 

Leire Asensio Villoria

Leire is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Melbourne’s School of Design. She has taught at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design from 2010 to 2017, at London’s Architectural Association School of Architecture, Graduate School Landscape Urbanism Programme from 2004 to 2007 and at Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning from 2006 till 2010.

While at the GSD, Leire was part of the leadership team for the Waste to Energy Group and was also design research lead for the Health and Places Initiative, a research collaboration between the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health focused on studying the links between the built environment and health outcomes. She has co-authored the books: Systems Upgrade: (Re)Fabricating Tectonic Prototypes (2022, Actar), Architecture and Waste: A (Re)Planned Obsolescence (2017, Actar) and Lifestyled: Health and Places (2016, Jovis).

Since 2002, Leire has been collaborating with David Syn Chee Mah as asensio_mah. Their work has been exhibited internationally including at the Royal Academy of Art in London, The Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York and has been featured in professional books and journals published by Birkhauser, Evolo, Lars Muller, Actar and Routledge amongst others.

David Mah

David Mah is a senior lecturer in urban design and architecture at the University of Melbourne’s school of design. Previous to the MSD, David was a lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design (2010-2017). While at the GSD, David was also design research lead for the Health and Places Initiative, a research collaboration between the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health focused on studying the links between the built environment and health outcomes. He also taught design and theory at Cornell University’s department of architecture (2007-2010) and Landscape Urbanism at the graduate design school of the Architectural Association in London (2004-2007).

Together with Leire Asensio Villoria, David is co-author of the book: Systems Upgrade: (Re)Fabricating Tectonic Prototypes (2022 Actar) and Lifestyled: Health and Places (2016, Jovis). David’s teaching and research focuses on resilience and sustainability through an engagement with emerging design approaches as well as novel technologies. His research spans between larger scales of engagement such as landscape urbanism as well as the relationships between health and place through to explorations in digital fabrication as well as associative design approaches.

Together with Leire Asensio Villoria, David is also active in the production of architectural and creative works. Their work has been exhibited internationally including at the Royal Academy of Art in London, The Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York and has been featured in professional books and journals published by Birkhauser, Evolo, Lars Muller, Actar and Routledge amongst others.